Wisdom Teeth: When Keeping Them Is Not Wise

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When you start focusing more seriously on dental care, there are a lot of things to keep in mind. From brushing your teeth carefully to identifying different challenges that could come your way, there are all kinds of things to keep in mind when it comes to your dental health. Fortunately, by doing what you can to identify problems and overcome issues, you can pave the way for healthier teeth and gums. For starters, you can start to improve your gum health by flossing regularly. You can also brush more carefully with a toothbrush, with special attention to cleaning your gum line. Check out these simple posts for tips and tricks for avoiding tooth decay.


Wisdom Teeth: When Keeping Them Is Not Wise

27 September 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Wisdom teeth, as most know, got their name because they tend to emerge just when a teenager becomes an adult. They can pop up anytime, though. These bonus teeth should not be a problem, but they often are. It's often recommended that wisdom teeth are removed so read on for more information.

Wisdom Teeth Can be Problematic

Very few people sail through wisdom tooth emergence without having them removed. The problem is that these teeth try to grow out in places where you already have teeth. Also, they may come in crooked, emerge partially only, and cause pain and discomfort. They may become infected and pose serious health risks for some. Fortunately, the removal process is simple and will hardly put a dent in your schedule. 

When to Act

Careful monitoring by your dentist can alert you that something is not right with the way your wisdom teeth are emerging. Don't wait until you are in pain, or a raging infection is happening. Doing something about poorly formed wisdom teeth before they cause damage to your gums and teeth will mean a faster healing process after the surgery.

What to Expect with the Surgery

This type of dental surgery has been performed for a very long time and is a quick and safe way to cope with problem wisdom teeth. You can discuss anesthesia options with your dentist prior to the day of the surgery. Several options exist to assure that you won't feel anything during the surgery. 

If you opt for intravenous anesthesia, follow your dentist's orders about eating and drinking the night before the surgery. You can also opt for a numbing injection. The choice may depend on how many teeth must be removed, the presence of infection, and your personal preferences. In most cases, you will need someone to come with you to the appointment so you can be driven home.

Recovery Notes

Some people find that they don't have any pain whatsoever after the anesthesia wears off. However, you may be provided with a prescription for a few pain pills to get you through the first day or so after the surgery. You can also take over-the-counter pain relief as recommended by your dentist.

Some bleeding is to be expected. You may need to bite down on a piece of gauze for a bit when you notice any bleeding. Some swelling is normal too. You can apply ice packs to your cheeks for short periods of time to reduce swelling and bruising.

You will be back to your old routines in no time at all and the missing teeth will definitely not be missed. Speak to your dentist to learn more about wisdom teeth removal.